International and Swiss court cases, Swiss regulatory framework
Current trends – risk and international trusts
Oversight on the security and investment of the trust fund
- What are the extent of the trustees’ duties to oversee the security and investment of the trust fund?How far can this be modified by reserved powers and investment committees?
- What risks might there be for trustees following the Singapore Court of Appeal’s decision in the Ivanishvili v Credit Suisse Trust litigation?
Fiduciary roles of trustees and protectors
- How should powers be divided between trustees and protectors (including settlors)?
- What risks do multiple fiduciaries present?
- What is the current state of the law on the role of the protector when giving consent? (with reference to the X Trusts and Piedmont cases).
Trust litigation and open justice
- When disputes regarding trusts arise, can they be decided by a court in private?
- How do courts decide whether to hear disputes in public?
- Is risk to a trading business as an asset of a trust relevant?
- Will arbitration ever be a solution?
Trusts in the turmoil of Swiss court cases
Legal and regulatory framework in Switzerland
Trusts and Inheritance, respectively Matrimonial Property Rights
- Are heirs with reserved rights entitled to obtain information about the trust?
- Does a trust constituted on certain assets of one spouse prejudice the expectations of the other spouse under the matrimonial property regime?
- What procedure should be used to protect trust assets from seizure to the detriment of the trustee?
- Is compulsory enforcement possible against the rights of beneficiaries?
- What protection is there for the settlor’s creditors subject to compulsory execution in Switzerland?
Combating money laundering
Swiss draft bill on the transparency of legal entities
- Swiss draft bill on the transparency of legal entities and identification of beneficial owners: what new obligations for trustees?
Robert Avis, Partner, Private Wealth Disputes, Charles Russell Speechlys, Geneva
Bruno Ledrappier, Partner, Dispute Resolution, Charles Russell Speechlys, Geneva
Trustees duties and trust litigation in Switzerland
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