Discover with a case study and practical examples brought to you by experts
Swiss courts recent decisions: how personal criminal liability is assigned between operational
units, independent control units (compliance, risks, HR), management, board of directors
FINMA: frequent violations of duties, measures against the institution and against the persons
Criminal liability of legal entities and/or physical persons
- When and under what circumstances can criminal liability be attributed to individuals vs. the legal entity
- Case study regarding criminal risks concerning front employees, compliance officers, management and board members
- Case law overview
The assignment of individual liability between board, management and front: lessons of the decisions made by FINMA
- Applicable rules
- Measures that FINMA can take
- Behaviours and rules that are monitored
- Main obligations vis-à-vis FINMA: complying with laws and prudential regulations, adequate organisation (risk management, compliance, governance), duty to report
- Illustrations:
- Duty to report
- Organisational failures: conflict of interest, lack of adequate organisation
- Governance
- Frequent violations: AMLA, conduct rules on the market, internal directives, behaviour against clients interest, criminal offenses
- Corrective measures
- Measures against the institution
- Measures against the persons: enforcement procedure, confiscation of gains, prohibition to work, …
- How to avoid the measures
- Attributions of responsibilities: board, management,
front, former employees
Compliance and criminal law: who is risking what inside the bank?
- The main applicable offenses
- Recent practice relative to the liability inside the bank of:
- the first line of defense : operational units generating income (RM, portfolio manager, financial adviser…)
- the second line of defense, the independent control units (compliance, risks, HR)
- the third line of defense, internal audit
- management and board of directors
- The compliance officer: a scapegoat?
Massimo Chiasera, LL.M., Partner, Bär & Karrer AG, Zurich
Dr. Kaspar Luginbühl, Attorney I M.C.L. (Cambridge) I Founder, Nomos Advokatur GmbH, Zurich
Dr. Doris Hutzler, LL.M., Partner, LCR Services AG, Zurich
Individual liabilities (management, front, compliance): FINMA practice and Criminal Courts decisions
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